суббота, 12 ноября 2011 г.

cabin fever

cabin fever:


getting here was easy.  

the further i drove my mind away from school the more i started to relax.  and become my curious traveling self.

which is my favorite self to be.

  a long lovely grey ribbon of road unwound before me.


and i felt a wave of giddiness wash over what was left of the day.


by nightfall i had reached my destination.  i held my breath as i steered my chariot around this corner.


and came upon this wee cabin resting on top of a bluff in a stand of sycamore, oak, alder, fern, toyon, laurel, and even tangerine (!)


the wild creek was roaring away below.  it was considerably darker than this.  so mysterious!


one of my favorite flowers greeted me at the cabin.  and filled the air with sweetness.  what thoughtful hosts!


want a little tour?  if not, this is the part where you switch channels.  if so...come on along!


the creek can be seen and heard loudly from every room.  open a window and it's even louder!

i purred like a big cat in this bed all night.  creeping up every now and then to rattle around the cabin out of sheer excitement.  i feel sort of like tom hanks in BIG.  the treehouse version.


a few hours after i arrived the moon rose over the cabin and shone down through the big skylight.


night has fallen again.  i have pulled the little cabin around me and am snuggled up by the woodstove.  having never used a woodstove i was just a wee bit apprehensive, but my inner paul bunyan came to the rescue and set everything up in a rightly manner.


i am getting ready to rustle up some grub in the little kitchen then get cozy with my pile of books.  chuck another log into the woodstove...


i will be making several trips out here to watch for the rain that is on its way here.

 i think i'll wait up for it.

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